Ask Fuse Anything

Answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Planned features

We currently have the following features on the roadmap:

  • Metrics

    Processes-level (CPU, memory and uptime statistics), request-level (requests/min, queue sizes) or even custom application-provided metrics, via a simple API. Visualize the most important live metrics across the entire cluster via a simple dashboard, or dive into individual resources.

  • Error tracking

    Be notified of and keep track of HTTP errors and application exceptions. Minimize outages for your users.

  • Passenger bootstrapping

    Use Fuse Panel to boot new Passenger instances.

  • Command & control

    Restart and otherwise manipulate processes, application servers, containers and machines.

  • Application deployment & Application configuration management

    Inspect and modify application configuration from Fuse Panel. Toggle feature flags. Synchronize configuration files between multiple application instances.

  • Configuration and optimization advisor

    Automatically scan configuration for issues and optimization opportunities. Profile usage and traffic and use pattern detection (e.g. machine learning) to detect issues and to raise alerts.

  • Access control

    Allow multiple people access to designated resources with designated permissions.

  • API

    Machine friendly interface to fetch data and metrics from Fuse Panel.

  • Support for other application servers, third-party integrations and custom plugins

    Integrate with Slack, Twilio, email, Github, Prometheus and more, and allow extending Fuse Panel with arbitrary custom behavior via plugins.

Please let us know which features you think would be most valuable in our survey.

Where can I update configuration values?

The functionality to update config values has not been added to the beta version of the Fuse Panel because we are interested in gathering your feedback & opinions as soon as possible to determine future feature development.
We're having trouble with creating a way to reliably persist the updated values, so it is currently uncertain how long this feature would take to develop. Please let us know which features you think would be most valuable in our survey.

Does the Fuse Panel support SSL?

The Fuse Panel doesn't yet support SSL and doesn't perform any domain validation at all, so it's trivial to MITM. For now, you can proxy it behind an SSL-enabled Nginx or stunnel.

How many Passenger instances can I connect?

There is no hard limit. We have connected over a dozen instances without a noticeable impact on performance.

Do I need to install the Fuse Panel on my (production) server?

It is not necessary to run the Fuse Panel or Docker on the same server as Passenger. The Fuse Panel was designed with the idea in mind that multiple Passenger instances from different servers should be able to connect to it.

Which Passenger versions are supported?

Passenger has support for the Fuse Panel since version 5.2.2.

I can't connect to the Fuse Panel in the Docker container

You need the IP address or hostname of the container to connect to the Fuse Panel. When connecting from a different machine than the Docker host, you need the public IP address or hostname of the Docker host. Port 3001 is exposed on the container.
To connect to the web interface, point your browser to:

http://<ipaddress or hostname>:3001

From the Docker host

If you want to connect to the Fuse Panel from the Docker host you need the IP address of the container. You can get the IP address of the Docker container like this:

docker inspect --format "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" fuse-panel

Docker for Mac users should use the hostname localhost.

From another machine

If you want to connect to the Fuse Panel from outside the Docker host you need the public IP address or hostname of the Docker host. Make sure that port 3001 is open for connections from the outside.

Connecting Passenger instances

When connecting Passenger instances to the Fuse Panel, the same rules apply as when connecting to the web interface. The admin_panel_url setting should be set to the correct IP address or hostname.

Why doesn't it work in Safari?

The web frontend of the Fuse Panel uses websockets to communicate with the backend. For user authentication HTTP Basic Auth is used. Unfortunately is HTTP Basic Auth for websockets not supported in Safari, this is a known bug. We suggest you switch to Chrome or Firefox to use the Fuse Panel.

What data do you track?

To gain information on how we can improve the Fuse Panel, we collect some data. All data is collected anonymously and can not be traced back to a specific install or user. We don't collect any information about applications, environments or configurations.
Learn more about the snapshot data we collect.

Usage tracking can be disabled with the --disable-usage-statistics command line option. This will disable both the collection and transfer of data.

I have another question

If your question isn't listed or you have some feedback to share with us, please contact us.